Saturday, March 10, 2018

Obesity | National Geographic

1 comment:

  1. Marketing products to an ageing population
    By 2050, around 30% of the European population is estimated to be 65 and older. This is opposed
    to 17% in 2013. The elderly are an important market for natural healthcare manufacturers. They
    use more self-care products than younger people and are increasingly interested in natural healthcare options.
    European manufacturers are specifically targeting the ageing European population. They also
    differentiate their marketing to specific age groups or segments within the older population, for
    example menopausal women and people over 70.
    An ageing population also has specific health needs. Most importantly, an older population has
    much higher risks of joint health issues, especially since the European population is increasingly
    overweight and inactive. Around 22% of Europe’s population is reported to be under long-term
    treatment for troubles with muscles, bones and joints, such as rheumatoid and arthritis.
    Demand for joint health products increases, especially for natural products. Consumers are looking
    for products they can use regularly on a long-term basis and perceive fewer side-effects of natural
    products compared to conventional medicines. Ingredients include frankincense, turmeric and
